Cobham Free School (CFS) and Cobham Rugby Sports Association (CRSA) held the grand opening of their new international standard, artificial grass pitch (AGP) on Friday (6 September 2019). Following speeches by Steven Heard (Chairman, CRSA) and Howard Morris (CFS Chair of Governors), Cllr James Browne cut the ribbon to declare the pitch ‘open’.
The AGP has been developed in partnership with CFS and CRSA, with the school’s pupils using the facility in the term time. The club and other sporting associations will use the ground at all other times. The new partnership will enable a wide range of sports in the curriculum, including the coaching of rugby and football, and offer the chance to develop the extra-curricular programme and train school teams for competitive fixtures.
Howard Morris said: “Following months of construction work it has been extremely rewarding to see our pupils enjoying the new AGP today. The pitch will benefit our pupils and other families in the community, raising the profile of sport in the area and encouraging participation. We are delighted to be developing a successful link with the CRSA which will continue to grow."
“We are grateful to Elmbridge Borough Council for providing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding and for the additional grant funding provided by Sport England and the London Marathon Charitable Trust to enable this state-of-the-art artificial grass pitch to be delivered,” said Steve Heard.
“The Club is in the process of entering into partnerships with other local community sporting organisations who will be able to use this facility after the end of the school day, and at weekends when not being used by the Club.”